Monday, September 30, 2019

Statement of Purpose Santosh G Vattam MS

Statement of purpose Santosh G Vattam MS, Embedded Systems (CIS), May 2012 Research Interest I am a Master of Science and Engineering student majoring in Embedded Systems from University of Pennsylvania, graduating in May 2012. I am interested in embedded systems modeling and model based code generation. This interest has developed thanks to my research project with Prof. Insup Lee as well as the Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems and the Principles of Embedded Computation courses I took at Penn with Prof. Insup Lee and Prof. Rajeev Alur respectively.The Embedded and CPS course involved modeling and implementation of a pacemaker, while the Principles of Embedded Computation course provided the much needed theoritical foundation for developing embedded system models and verifying and validating thus developed models. Research projects In Jan 2011, I started working on the Medical Device Dongle(MDD) Project with Prof. Insup Lee. The idea was to make patient monitoring, patient centric rather than device centric by developing a standards-based interface for medical device interoperability.We decided to use the existing device interoperability standard – IEEE11073-PHD with slight modi cations. I implemented the rst prototype of the IEEE11073 Manager and Agent state machines. We later encountered the problem of providing a medium for using the services of the MDD and thus we designed and implemented an interface to sit on top of the MDD. We have since presented our work at the Wireless Health Conference 2011, San Diego, CA and at Embedded Software Week Android competition, Taipei, Taiwan. We shall also be presenting at the International Health Informatics Symposium, Miami, FL in Jan 2012.Prior to this, I have worked on the Coverage Analysis of RTEMS(Real Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems) as part of Google Summer of Code 2009 and mentored another student in 2010 for the same project. This project was my rst step into the embedded world. I wrote tes t cases to validate that every single line of object code generated was executed. I worked on the RTEMS-core codebase and in 2010 I mentored a student to work on the extended codebase. Research focus I would like to focus my research on model based code generation and validating the conformation of code to the model on which it was based.This is a problem that I have come across while working on the MDD project. We have based our design on the IEEE11073 architecture but there are no open implementations of it through which we can verify our implementation. There are certain validation tools but these just analyze the packet structure of the 11073 packets but not the ow of these packets within the network of devices. I am partly tackling this problem through my Masters thesis by writing test cases to validate the exchange of the right packets. This method, however, does not provide insight into the internal state ow of the code. I would like to study, n depth, the ways of validating code to the state model. I believe that by pursuing a PhD I shall not only gain the necessary skill set to tackle this problem, but also the insight of looking at unstructured data and obtaining structured information from it. Prof Insup Lee and his team at the PRECISE Center work on model based design and validation in the medical device domain. I have been working with Prof. Insup Lee and his team for close to a year now on the MDD project. I believe that the environment and the expertise at the PRECISE Center will provide me with the encouragement and the academic stimulus to excel at my research. Statement of Purpose Santosh G Vattam MS Statement of purpose Santosh G Vattam MS, Embedded Systems (CIS), May 2012 Research Interest I am a Master of Science and Engineering student majoring in Embedded Systems from University of Pennsylvania, graduating in May 2012. I am interested in embedded systems modeling and model based code generation. This interest has developed thanks to my research project with Prof. Insup Lee as well as the Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems and the Principles of Embedded Computation courses I took at Penn with Prof. Insup Lee and Prof. Rajeev Alur respectively.The Embedded and CPS course involved modeling and implementation of a pacemaker, while the Principles of Embedded Computation course provided the much needed theoritical foundation for developing embedded system models and verifying and validating thus developed models. Research projects In Jan 2011, I started working on the Medical Device Dongle(MDD) Project with Prof. Insup Lee. The idea was to make patient monitoring, patient centric rather than device centric by developing a standards-based interface for medical device interoperability.We decided to use the existing device interoperability standard – IEEE11073-PHD with slight modi cations. I implemented the rst prototype of the IEEE11073 Manager and Agent state machines. We later encountered the problem of providing a medium for using the services of the MDD and thus we designed and implemented an interface to sit on top of the MDD. We have since presented our work at the Wireless Health Conference 2011, San Diego, CA and at Embedded Software Week Android competition, Taipei, Taiwan. We shall also be presenting at the International Health Informatics Symposium, Miami, FL in Jan 2012.Prior to this, I have worked on the Coverage Analysis of RTEMS(Real Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems) as part of Google Summer of Code 2009 and mentored another student in 2010 for the same project. This project was my rst step into the embedded world. I wrote tes t cases to validate that every single line of object code generated was executed. I worked on the RTEMS-core codebase and in 2010 I mentored a student to work on the extended codebase. Research focus I would like to focus my research on model based code generation and validating the conformation of code to the model on which it was based.This is a problem that I have come across while working on the MDD project. We have based our design on the IEEE11073 architecture but there are no open implementations of it through which we can verify our implementation. There are certain validation tools but these just analyze the packet structure of the 11073 packets but not the ow of these packets within the network of devices. I am partly tackling this problem through my Masters thesis by writing test cases to validate the exchange of the right packets. This method, however, does not provide insight into the internal state ow of the code. I would like to study, n depth, the ways of validating code to the state model. I believe that by pursuing a PhD I shall not only gain the necessary skill set to tackle this problem, but also the insight of looking at unstructured data and obtaining structured information from it. Prof Insup Lee and his team at the PRECISE Center work on model based design and validation in the medical device domain. I have been working with Prof. Insup Lee and his team for close to a year now on the MDD project. I believe that the environment and the expertise at the PRECISE Center will provide me with the encouragement and the academic stimulus to excel at my research.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Nigeria Essay

Basically, Nigeria is a plural society and heterogeneous in virtually all the facet of life. The custom and tradition of Nigerians is so diverse to the extent that Nigeria as a country is now confronted with the problem of religion and ethnicity towards their political stability. The origin and history of ethnic conflict (societal wars and violence) can be traced from eternal (internal) state rivalry to external (physical). And its root cause is not very far from power competition and decision making over economic resources and other important human factor, like position. The implementation process has always involved more than one or two persons. In general concept, the author of this work traces conflict back to the first and early Patriarchal of human history and ever since then, there has been an increase (in various dimensions) of Conflict in the face of human world. Some are personal (internal) conflict, family, community, and group, intellectual, state, national and international in nature, to mention but few. In conforming to this idea, Badawi (2006) in his statement titled â€Å"World Apart† stated thus, â€Å"indeed the greatest discord today is among the descendants of Abraham. These are the people of the book, the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, who had in fact shared a common beginning in the religion of Abraham†. In shedding more light in the above statement, Badawi statement goes far beyond religion, rather, he was tracing one of the earliest source of conflict which Badawi mentioned the off-springs of the said Abraham. Even before Abraham, there had been conflict, so it is as old as human history down to the Abrahamic period, to ancient kingdoms, Dukes, and Kings. In about 88 B. C. , King Mithriadates VI of Pontus invaded Roman territory in Asian Minor. He advised Asian debtors to kill their Roman creditors. Happy to reduce their credit card bills, the Asians massacred 80,000 Romans. Ethno-political conflicts have greatly shaped our present world and of course have its structural phenomenon, (William Easterly, 2001). For instances, the conflict we now call Israeli and Palestinian war, has been an ever-lengthening sort. The Assyrian, Babylonian war, by King Nebuchadnezzar of the hanging Garden in history, the Persia war, Alexander the Great (the Macedonian mad man in history), the German war of Adolf’s. Hitler, the Roman wars, narrowing all these down, we came to the horn of African continent which seem to be an epidemic field of conflicts of diverse kinds till date. The giant-lion of African continent, just like the origin of conflict is said to have stated very old in human history, even so in the case of Nigeria, which can be traced to the colonial period of history. Conflict takes different sizes and shapes with diverse reasons and purposes. Majority of the conflicts takes time before their escalation and at such, could have been transformed right at their respective early stages. The history of ethnicity and ethnic conflicts in Nigeria is also traced back to the colonial transgressions that forced the ethnic groups of the northern and southern provinces to become an entity called Nigeria in 1914. In the case of Nigeria situation, disturbing history of colonialism, this generated hatred and conflict among different ethnic groups. The task of addressing this seed of conflict planted by the British has been a complex one. After weakening the former diverse kingdoms, Emperors, etc now called Nigeria and reordering the groups’ politics, the colonial powers failed in nation building and providing for the people’s basic needs. Hence, unemployment, poverty increase, and due to these, conflict over scarce resources ensue. The Southern and Northern protectorates were also being amalgamated into a nation. Thereafter, the merging of different colonies into one country called Nigeria was forcefully done without the people’s consent. This was a major seed of conflict that is still troubling Nigeria today. This article is focused on the historical incidents of ethnic conflicts in within Nigeria societies, the cause of the conflicts and perhaps, the government actions towards ethnic conflict in the country. In conclusion, this paper will explore into decision-making (by the elites and those in authority) process has contributed immensely in generating the syndromes of conflict in the said state. The Nigerian political situation has witnessed more breaking of heads, than counting them. In fact, even when it has been convenient for heads to be counted, the outcome has always been the breaking of heads instead. Conflict in Nigeria is so intense because of lack of democratic behaviour. The head of the individual in the democratic context signifies citizenship. So when heads are broken in the Nigerian political community, the issue in respect of broken heads is citizenship. If conflict in Nigeria means the absence of democratic behaviour, it follows, therefore, that conflict in Nigeria is interwoven with the absence of democratic governance. Gurr (2000): has also shown that the incidence of conflicts at the global level declined in recent years with the deepening of democratisation. Nation-states where conflicts persist are those where what obtains is the democratisation of disempowerment (Ake 1996). Beyond the veneer of elections, the state remains ambushed, privatised, repressive and unpopular. The people who were tantalised by the prospect of a democratic revolution that would terminate decades of alienation and pauperisation have been short changed and given a ‘choice less democracy’ (Mkandawire 1999). The ‘credibility gap’ which fostered the De-linkage of the people from the state, and ignited social forces to struggle for democracy, is not being bridged (Rothchild 1995: 58). African peoples out of clear rational calculations sans atavistic attachments have turned their backs on the state ‘and given their loyalty to sub-national social formations such as the community, the sub nationality or ethnic groups’ (Ake 2000: 114). It is against this backdrop that the proliferation and exacerbation of violent ethno-religious conflicts in Nigeria in the post-transition period can be appreciated. This article adopts an analytical framework that holds that The interface between ethnicity and democratisation is found in absence of effective citizenship and good governance in post-transition societies. In the circumstance that democracy does not go beyond the conduct of multiparty elections to include improvement in the quality of life of the people, there is frustration, and people who already feel alienated from the state are vulnerable and likely to be mobilised around counter-elites who exploit extant popular alienation from the state by whipping up sectarian sentiments. This has been the case in Nigeria and several multi-ethnic states of Africa (Osaghae 1994). Although the foregoing theoretical discussion has focused on ethnicity, the term ethno-religious is adopted because some of the recent violent conflicts to be examined were triggered by religious issues. The relevance of religion is also underlined by the fact that in Nigeria ethnic boundaries tend to coincide with religion, with the exception of the Yoruba ethnic group (Ibrahim 1999). The Nigeria state was amalgamated in the year 1914 by lord lugard. The various geographical areas or territory which was amalgamated to form Nigeria by the colonialist comprises of various cleavages, clans, towns even there were kingdoms and chiefdoms with diverse culture, language, religion, norms values, customs and political structures etc. The focus of the research monogram is to examine the role of religion and ethnicity in Nigeria nascent democracy. In Nigeria especially, religion plays a very vital and influential role in the society that has manifested itself as a potent force in the political development of the Nigerian state from pre-independence to post-independence. Hardly can the Nigerian state be talked about without reference to religion (Kukah, 1994; Falola, 1990; Kenny, 2006; International IDEA, 2000; Suberu, 2009). However, religion in Nigeria, at different levels, is mostly mentioned in negative terms. Or rather, historical events linked to religion tilts more towards its negative than its positive contribution to the Nigerian state. The Jihad, the civil war propaganda, the Sharia law controversy, the tensions provoked by the Nigerian accession to the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and the incessant religious crises that have engulfed the Northern part mainly indicate that religion cannot be ignored or wished away in the Nigerian political development. Several religious crises have occurred in Nigeria. They have been documented as academic dissertations for some of them. This piece of work does not intend to start the discourse on religious violence anew but only recognizes the fact that as a recurrent phenomenon it is worth being explored further. Thus â€Å"Boko Haram† menace which gained global recognition and even press support ranging from July 2009 till date is a the central focus of this study together with other riots which has engulfed the Nigeria state from 1999 till date which most Nigeria educated elite believed that religion and ethnicity were the basic causes. The educated elite have conducted series of research on what the causes of this violent riots maybe. Most have concluded that it can be traced and linked to the failure of governance in Nigeria. 1. 2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEMS The mistake of 1914 has polarised the Nigeria society together with its citizens in which loyalty to the State is a mirage instead people pay loyalty to their various families and ethnic groups the effect of this can be traced to 1967 civil-war which disintegrate the country or in the political system which almost lead to secession of the country with the easterner believed to be the aggrieved ethnic in the war. Similarly Nigeria has a long history of religious crisis which has affected the political instability of Nigeria. The maintasine riot of 1980 can be said to be the first major religious riot in Nigerian history, claiming about 800 lives. The Boko Haram insurgence in the northern part of the country which has been directed mainly against the Christians, they have suffered a lot both physically, psychologically, economically, spiritually and even politically in the far North which has led political writers and pundits to affirm that Boko Haram conflict has its roots in Religion. The thrust of this work will be to examine the underlying reasons behind political instability in Nigeria using religion and ethnicity as a paradigm. 1. 3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY. The study will cover the impacts of religion and ethnicity towards the stabilization or in- stabilization of the Nigeria political system it will cover how religion and ethnicity have impacted on the political stability of Nigeria. Furthermore the study will emphasize more on the role the government is playing in stabilizing the un-stabilized country. 1. 4OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The following can be regarded as the aims and objective of the study 1. To know the meaning of religion, ethnicity, political stability, and political instability 2. To know how religion and ethnicity have negatively impacted on Nigerian political development 3. To develop possible solutions and panaceas to the problems of religions and ethnicity to Nigerian political in-stability 1. 5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1 What meaning does religion, ethnicity and political instability carries 2 How has religion and ethnicity impacted on the political stability of Nigeria 3 what are the possible solutions to the problem of religion and ethnicity in Nigeria political system 1. 6 JUSTIFICATION OF STUDY Many a developing countries of the world are currently experiencing the problems which ethnicity and religion have caused. The ethnic problem which led to the apartheid era in South Africa is also the same ethnicity and religion problem which has almost disintegrated the Nigerian State. Recalling back to what happen during the civil war in the late sixties and early seventies which led to the introduction of the national youth service corp. by the then military president General Yakubu Gowon which aim at integrating back the almost disintegrated country. Books, Journals, Magazines, Pamphlets, and lot of researches have been written and carried out respectively on the issue of ethnicity and religion, and its impact on the Nigeria political stability. This research work will serve as an additional material to the issue on ethnicity and religion to political instability in Nigeria, this work will focus more on ethnicity and religion and its impact on Nigerian politics 1. 7RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology will be based on secondary data collections ranging from books, Journals Newspapers, News Magazines, Pamphlets and even the Internet. In conducting any research basically there are two methodologies employed by researchers which are the primary and the secondary methods. This research work will be basically conducted using the secondary methodology as earlier mentioned. 1. 8DEFINITION OF TERMS Ethnicity: According to the oxford advance learners dictionary ethnicity can simply mean â€Å"the fact of belonging to a particular race† from the dictionary meaning we can deduced the fact that Humans believed in race and they have passion for race which leads to humans ethnocentrism i. e. highly ethnocentric in nature. Ethnicity has a strategic interaction of persons and other actors, who have different beliefs, attitude’s, values and goals as they decide particular conflict the distribution of resource’s and general issues of political rules within a context of norms, expectations and institutions. Any of the rule, expectation and institutions may be reversed, maintained or inverted by the individual who win the right to control them, in the course of those political negotiations that are sometimes called cooperation, and sometimes called war, and are usually somewhere between the two. In another sense, ethnic identity are political resources just like money or vote. Instrumentalist like Micheal Banton and Micheal Hecthtar, argue that ethnic identity are not inherent in group or socio-formation of people. They see ethnic identity as socio-capital brought to bear on the political negotiation table by different groups and at different times. Hutchinson and Smith also argue that ethnic identity are an important resource that political Elite employ in securing the support of the masses as a strategy for gaining a desired good. These goods and or goals are â€Å"measured in terms of wealth, power, and status and†¦ joining or national communities helps to secure these ends either by influencing the state, or in certain situations, through secession. Religion: religion on its own part can be regarded as the belief in the existence of God or gods and the activity that are connected in the worship of them. Religion can also be stress further by meaning one of the system of faith that are based on the belief in the existence of a particular God or gods. For example the Jewish religion, Christianity Islam and other world religion. Furthermore in the classical and ancient ages religion has achieved a lot in their politics for example the doctrine of Islam was used in many Arab nations has their constitution even up till the present age. The Ancient Romans, also, during the time of Constantine accepted Christianity as a religion and a mode of life which also affected their political terrain. Religion in the 21 century is now used narrowly towards Christianity and Islam even though other religion still exist but the former two religion have elevated to prominence that other religion are now beneath them. For instance about Political stability: can depict the mean of a system of politics in which the government of that State is experiencing a stable government and peaceful existence in the State or in otherworld’s a legitimately accepted government by the people. Democratically governed States are believed to be stable. In the global sense every political entity must be ruled democratically without internal oppression or external aggression. Any country of the world that is free from the aforementioned point are regarded as stable political system in other words internal oppression has cause a lot of havoc to many democracies of the world which has infringed on their stability as noted by Ojo 2002. Descent Rule: These covers a larger set of cases that we commonly understand to be ethnic than the rules that ethnic groups must have a myth of common ancestry or common origin. But it excludes several cases in which individuals routinely consider themselves, and are considered as members, of a group that we classify as ethnic even when their parents were not coded as members of this group. Take for example the category â€Å"Yoruba† when it was invented in Nigeria in the nineteenth century. At this time period, the parents of those who were classified as Yoruba were not themselves classified as Yoruba for the reason that this category did not exist during their lifetimes. According to Descent Rule, then, the category Yoruba in the nineteenth century would not be coded as ethnic. But the category Yoruba is universally coded as an ethnic category by all comparative political scientists, without making a distinction between time periods. As another example, consider the category â€Å"Backward Caste† in India, which included as members individuals who possessed a given set of last names and/or ancestral occupations. The category was introduced by the Indian Central Government in 1990. Within a few years, 52% of the Indian population classified itself and was classified as backward. Yet the parents of those who termed themselves â€Å"Backward Caste† were not coded by themselves or by others as â€Å"Backward Caste† because, as in the case of the first generation of Yoruba’s, this category did not exist during their lifetimes Democracy: According to Abraham Lincoln he defines democracy as the government of the people by the people and for the people. In this wise democracy connotes a system of government in which all the people in a country will have the outright say on the government of their country although in a representative manner meaning that they will elect representatives that will represent their interest in the government. Advanced countries if the world where democracy is practiced completely they have national identity as opposed to the developing world where they have ethnic identity. Advanced democracies always believe in secularism in which every religion is accepted and embraced not a system in which part will have cognisance to a religion and the other will believe in other religion causing serious tension in such states like Nigeria. Federalism : Elasar (cited in Akande, 1996:1)† the formation of European union (EU) which simply begun as a trading partnership for coal and steel is now moving towards a more integrated political union founded upon federal principle of governance†. The African union (AU) which is the federation of African counties where a central government intended to be created with sharing or division of power among the federating unit, even the world highest organization body united Nation have in some little degree, evolved the principle of federalism. Federalism is a system of government which embraces unity in diversity. Federalism as a system of government is one in which there will be central and regional governments each one autonomous of each other.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Modern soil stabilization methods in condition of a dense urban Research Paper

Modern soil stabilization methods in condition of a dense urban environment - Research Paper Example The present study is focused on the methods of soil stabilization, the modern day techniques and materials that are available, and the need and understanding of the methods such that soil stabilization in the urban dense areas can be successfully achieved improving the conditions of the soil, increasing their strength and making them more capable of bearing loads. Introduction: Stabilization of soil refers to the process of soil treatment through the use of chemicals or mechanically. This is primarily done to improve the engineering properties of the soil. The chemical materials that are in common used for the purpose include lime, fly ash, and cement. Mechanical substances include geotextiles and geogrids. The use of cement treated bases generally assists in upgradation of the quality of the soil. There are several reasons for the need of soil stabilization. These essentially include the strengthening of the soil since stabilization of soil increases the strength of the soil that is already in existence thereby improving its capacity to bear loads. Also, soil stabilization enables control of dust and allows waterproofing of the soil. With control in dust, the dust that is generated as a result of use of different tools and instruments may be eradicated. Waterproofing enables preservation of the natural strength of soil by preventing the entry of water travelling from the surface (Ana, 2011). Mechanical or additive methods are the two most significant methods that can be used for soil stabilization. The blending of the materials used is highly essential in this regard since it determines the effectiveness of the stabilization. A stationary or travelling plant is usually considered to be preferable for the mixing whereas other methods like scarifies, plows, disks, graders, and rotary mixers are also used. The amount of stabilization required as well as the environment and prevailing conditions of the site determine the method that may be used for stabilization. Mechanical stabilization mixes soils of two different gradations that result in the desired soil specificity. In the additive method, the use of an additive which when added into particular amounts leads to improvement of the soil. Apart from mechanical and additive measures, soil stabilization might also be achieved through cementing or by modification. The cementing process makes use of chemicals for hardening the soils. In the process of modification, the compacting, mechanical blending, addition of cementing materials in small amounts, or addition of chemical modifiers are done to achieve the stabilization of the soil (Ana, 2011). With understanding the needs of stabilization of soils, and the different methods available for the process of soil stabilization, the present study focuses on the modern methods of soil stabilization that may be applied in the dense urban environments. Literature Review: Day et al (2010, pp.193-195) in their studies reflected on the association of the root and soil in the urban environment which they considered to be critical not only for the lives of trees but also for the functions of the ecosystem in the urban areas as well. The importance of trees and hence the significance of soil stabilization has been considered in these studies. Hence conditions in a particular urban environment that includes the compactness of the soil, and other factors associated with underground infrastructure, contamination, etc are essential for the development of the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Cultural Understanding Of Emotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cultural Understanding Of Emotion - Essay Example Campos and Barrett (1984:233) have described emotion as â€Å"regulators and determinants of both intra-personal and interpersonal behaviors.† The construction of emotion in the West is based upon the principle of the autonomy of the individual, therefore individual differences are praised and supported in the societies of America and Western Europe. However, as opposed to this, Asian societies place a greater value upon interconnectedness, therefore values such as self sacrifice for the benefit of others and the maintenance of social harmony are seen to be important in a collective society. As opposed to individual goals, it is collective goals that are deemed more important in Asian societies. This also impacts upon the emotional expressions in these respective societies. While western societies favor a more open display of emotions, in Asian countries, the display of emotions such as anger and love are more covert. While the focus on self may make individuals in Western nat ions less sensitive to the needs of others, in Asian societies, the display of individual emotions that could cause pain or hurt to others may be frowned upon. Cultural Theories: Lively and Powall (2006) have carried out an examination of the strategies that individuals use to express emotion. They have focused in particular upon anger and how it is used as a means to express emotion.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Project2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project2 - Essay Example An FMCG company requires heavy capital investment because from product development to marketing and advertising, capital is necessary in every sector. Moreover, FMCG companies are no more limited to a particular geographic location; instead they are pursuing overseas ventures. Therefore, threat of new entrant at international market is relatively limited. P&G is one of the reputed FMCG companies and its brand, Head & Shoulders is well-recognized in the hair care industry. Consequently, it can be suggested that threat of new entrant is limited for the company and the product (Reuters, 2013). FMCG industry is one of those industries that are heavily vulnerable to substitution, as local as well as a number of international brands are taking entry in the industry on a regular basis. However, studies suggest that P&G is a global leader in the hair care segment and have more than 20 percent of market share thereof from Pantene and Head &Shoulders (Reuters, 2013). The company has invested significantly in marketing and brand building of Head & Shoulders. The outcome is that the brand image is spreading from that of a medicated shampoo to a mass consumer product. Head & Shoulders is often marketed using celebrity endorsement which has significant positive impact on consumer buying behavior. Therefore, it can be suggested that threat of substitute is relatively less for the product (Reuters, 2013). Purchasing behavior of consumers has significant impact on revenue of FMCG companies. However, consumer buying pattern is strongly influenced by number of competitors or substitute products and their prices within the industry. It was ascertained that consumers have relatively strong bargaining power as the choices in hair care products in large and are mostly from well-known brands such as Unilever, L’Oreal, Colgate-Palmolive and Johnson & Johnson. These companies are

Body Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Body Image - Essay Example Teenage girls tend to view their bodies critically and may hold negative self-perceptions about their physical appearance. Teenage girls are much more likely than teenage boys to question their attractiveness. This negative self-concept is especially likely to be manifest as dissatisfaction with body shape. Girls in their early teens, or even among those who are younger if they achieve puberty early, frequently express dissatisfaction with their body size and appearance (Williams & Currie, 2000). The emergence of body image concerns is important because it may be associated with the appearance of disordered eating patterns. This is especially worrying when it occurs in early teen years that are in crucial period for physical growth. The more dissatisfied young girls are with their bodies, the more likely they are to undereat, with implications for their health and well-being. Males, in contrast, usually take a different view of their bodies. That is not to say that boys and young men are unconcerned about their body image, but rather than wanting to be thinner and more attractive, many males want to be more muscular with greater bulk. For males, this represents greater power. Whereas girls' self-concepts of attractiveness stem primarily from physical attractiveness, boys' self-concepts are linked to perceptions of physical effectiveness. Analyses of advertising content in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Arts & Creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arts & Creativity - Essay Example Painting is a one-time performance, any repeat performances are just copies. More often than not, it is an individual effort, and in rare cases a group effort that carries out a single person's instructions. There is no written way to express a painting like there are notes to a music or playwriting for a theater. Paintings do come from different from schools and movements, the proponents of which follow similar techniques of expression. The techniques of expression include the use of light, color and imagery. They also include the use of various mediums from water soluble to oil, to acrylic and a host of others as well as methods of wielding instruments like brushes, knives, fingers and many more. On the other hand the techniques that express music lie in the lyrics, the symphony, rhythm and the instruments or voices used to produce them. Lyrics are a straightforward way of conveying the concept, but even without them, music achieves universal communication, and conveys emotions irrespective of linguistic and cultural barriers. It claims the auditory senses, and from there goes on to move, inspire and titillate. It can be written down in notations, and performed repeatedly, even in different versions by different people at separate instances but still retains its originality. Theater as an art form is able to convey its message through dialog and plot as the primary instrument.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Individual reflection about a presentation(denmark Coursework

Individual reflection about a presentation(denmark - Coursework Example In an article written by Katzenbach and Smith (1993), The discipline of teams, there is an interesting exerpt, â€Å"When individuals approach a team situation, especially in a business setting, each has preexisting job assignments as well as strengths and weaknesses reflecting a variety of talents, backgrounds, personalities, and prejudices† (p. 168). The strength of our team was a powerful one. Though we had problems trying to meet each other due to distances we were able to put in our efforts and do our best. We were able to communicate with each other and each member was able to contribute to making our project succes. We understood each others weaknesses and we overcame those weaknesses by working together. This project had given us a positive experience that neither of us will soon forget. Though we only met four times during the making of our project I would like to experience this form of comradery again. We have accomplished a lot in such a small amount of time. The w eaknesses our group had were not based on an inability to get along. In actuality, we worked diligently and strived together. The problem was our distances from each other as well as our schedule. There are things that we are obligated to do in life such as work. Jobs and family life must take a priority and on the other hand, making a schedule to meet up together was difficult. Because of all of our different schedules we needed to set up a specific time and place to meet. Two of our group members live in London and us other two live far from each other as well. But even though the distance was large we were all able to meet up as scheduled. There were many difficulties trying to get our work done and it was sometimes overwhelming but we learned to compromise with each other to get the work done. As a team leader it took me much effort to have the group run successfully.We met up on February 15th for our first meeting. During that time I assigned divided the project so that each te am member would have a part and I took the first one which was about the background of Denmark. When we had to work on the part about Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, we separated the part into pairs. During our second meeting on the 17th, we were able to begin our PowerPoint. On the 22nd we finalized the PowerPoint and organized it to make it sound perfect. And finally, on the 23rd we spent hours upon hours reciting and practicing our presentation. Before our presentation we had practiced ruthlessly. We were proud that our efforts had given fruition to our success. During my time as the group leader I had to coach everybody in the team. I encouraged everyone to think hard about the work we have done. I was able to learn a lot from my team members. I have learned that communication skills are important when working towards a common goal. As De Janasz-Dowd-Schneider (2005, pg. 195) put it, everyone should participate and take responsibility on what he or she has to do. The key to all of this is communication. If a team member is having issues, we should assist the best way we can. Without proper communication we would have had a hard time working together. We were able to tackle this project with our hard work and understanding of each others’

Sunday, September 22, 2019

This module is entitled Performance Management. What do you think is Essay

This module is entitled Performance Management. What do you think is meant by this title - Essay Example s theory believes that motivated behaviour creates unwanted drives and desires in an employee and hampers his/her work equilibrium both externally and internally. Efforts should be made to reduce the unwanted desires/drives of employees (Kandula, 2006, p. 12). They give an insight into, how the company is advancing. They help in evaluating the operational and organizational goals of the company. Non-financial objectives help in strengthening the framework of the company and help in achieving long term operational goals (The Knowledge behind the News, 2000). Sears Holding Corporation is the third largest retailer in the USA. After the company merged with Kmart Corporation, It started following the performance management technique which led to a healthy working atmosphere and increased the leadership skills of the managers and improved the productivity of the employees (Smither, and London, 2009). The company CISCO has introduced a new software called Cisco Application Performance Management (APM) service which helps employees to have unlimited access to wireless Local Area Network and data centres (Cisco, n.d.). This has helped in reducing the operational costs, strategic costs, initial capital outlay and sales turnover The increasing competitiveness among employees and business organizations has steadily increased. The human resource of the organization can only help in achieving its organizational goal and this can be a significant tool in increasing healthy competitiveness among employees. Let us take an example and evaluate the effectiveness of performance management. If an employee spends more time in interacting with the clients than spending time in the office, it would enhance their efficiency levels. This is a practical approach which helps the company to achieve its strategic goals. Job analysis is a perquisite for performance management. Understanding the job role not only gives clarity to the employees but also a clear understanding of how their

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Feasibility study- Crescent Cove Recreational Resort Essay Example for Free

Feasibility study- Crescent Cove Recreational Resort Essay CCRR is the first accommodating establishment in the Malingay Cove, the hidden bay which is of Maira-Ira PointIt is famous for its crystal blue water and fine white sand. It sets by the Nacatnagan at the East and Dos Hermanos Island in the North, where all found in Pagudpod, Ilocos Norte. Its perimeter was hemmed by the thick forest hill which is perfect for outdoor activities such as trekking or mountain climbing. The first phase includes 24 guest rooms, coffee shop, videoke bar, function room, lobby with a fireplace, reception are, front desk, storage area, laundry room, veranda, a men and women’s bathroom, kitchen, indoor swimming pool, mechanical room,renting booth, indoor swimming pool,a fully equipped spa, sauna room and Jacuzzi room. The property also features amenities which inside the perimeter of the resort such as playground, backdoor garden, basketball and badminton court, and bayside cottages. And to give our guests/clients the ultimate recreational experience, CCRR expansive 8000 sq. meters, approximately 5000 sq. meters of it are wooded and undeveloped( almost part of it is in the forest hill), which is best to settle outdoor activities, we are also proud to showcase stations for Bungee Jumping, Wall Climbing, Hanging Bridge, Zipline, camping site, camouflage training site and Cable Car. And for those who lean towards a more holistic work-out we have the solution to that as well. Spend time at our Meditation Sanctuary to re-connect with your inner self or your Higher Being. CCRR is an accommodating establishment which gives the best definition for â€Å"fusion of recreation and resort† . CCRR specialize a service for guests/clients whom considered himself a recreation enthusiast or people engaged in Christian-type retreat. Corporate Vision -CRESCENT COVE RECREATIONAL RESORT WILL BE THE BEST RECREATIONAL RESORT DESTINATION IN THE country Corporate Mission †¢To promote wellness (wholeness), leisure and tourism at the same time. †¢To set the benchmark for service excellence †¢To put the environment we work in †¢To be truly satisfied our guest with what we have Corporate Goals †¢Introduce current trends/ technologies in promoting our business †¢Establish more recreational amenities and facilities †¢Obtaining financing for building and sustaining a long-term program that will conserve the natural beauty and richness of the island †¢Develop successful internet site while maintaining strong relationship with retailers. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Located in a â€Å"virgin† bay of Maira-Ira Point. The area has several recreational and retreat style areas, various retails numerous food stall aside and specialty shop and the beauty and serenity of the Maira-Ira bay, which has made the place considered as â€Å"Boracay of Luzon†. CCRR pricing philosophy was to be truly perceived the value of the price that they are paying and to go beyond their expectation. Considered the moment of truth in some simple resort, where a client/guest is been accommodated just to have a beach experience and after that they depart. Sad truth that some resorts seems didn’t catch the soft spot of their guest, in terms of services, facilities, activities and unjustified price pertains. CCRR was trying to open up the eyes of the tourist/travelers and potential guests/clients and of course our countrymen that a resort is not just a place to have leisure but also a place to recreate and improve the wellness. INDUSTRY KEY TO SUCCESS †¢A property designed for the guests and people who loves adventure †¢Availability of latest technology and Implementation of current trends †¢Regular and On-going guest feedback †¢Provision of recreational activities requirements. †¢Unique, safe comfortable environment †¢Dedicated management associate support staff ROOM CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO PRICE, LAYOUT, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES PACKAGE OF 3 BUFFET MEALS ( GOOD FOR MINIMUM NUMBER OF ACCOMMODATE) Type of Room Type of Bed Number of accomod ate Bed Amenities Bathroom Amenitie s Luxury Ameniti es Speci al Servi ce Room Rate Econom y (14 availabl e) Single Bed (3675 inches) Minimum of 1 Maximum of 2 Closet with 2 hangers, 2 pillows, Radio Nite Table 2BathroomTo wel 2 Hand Towel 2 Face Towel Shower (cold) Airconditio ner CD Player 1. PHP 2800 2. PHP 2300 Standar d (7 availabl e). Double Bed (5475 inches) Minimum of 2 Maximum of 3 Closet with 3 hangers, 3 pillows, Radio, Nite Table, TV Set 3BathroomTo wel 3 Hand Towel 3 Face Towel Shower (HotCold water-24 hrs) Bath Mat,Toilet Tissue Airconditio ner DVD Player 1. PHP 3300 2. PHP 2600 De Luxe (3 availabl Queen Bed (6080 Minimum of 3 Maximum of Closet with 5 hangers, Wall Lamp,NiteTable,C Amenity Basket, Shower Airconditio ner DVD Player Free use of Jacuzzi, 1. PHP 4000 e) inches) + Roll-aw ay Bed 4 ofee Table, 4 pillows, Cable TV Set, Bed Cover ( Hot Cold- 24 Hrs. ), Shower curtain, Sanitary Bag, Toilet Tissue, Bath Mat, Bath Robe 4BathroomTo wel 4Hand Towel 4Face Towel Kitchenette Sofa set, and Sauna 2. Php 3500 Notes: Peak Season ( March- June) Off-Season ( all other months) Legends: In Room Rates 1- WHEN PEAK SEASON 2- OFF- SEASON RENTS ( SWIMMING BEACH EQUIPMENTS AND GADGETS) Gadget/Equipments Time Allocated (per person)/ Tries Price Jestki Once/ 30 mins. Php 500 Jet Kayak Once/ 30 mins Php 500 Jet Board/ Powerski Once/ 30 mins Php 500 Surf Board 1 hour Php 300 Fly Board/ Water Jet Pack Once/ 30 mins Php 800 Scuba Gears (package) 1 hour Php 450 Hobie Cat Sailing boat 30 mins Php 300 Windsurfing board 30 mins Php 300. RENTS (FOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES) Activity/Gadget Cable Car Once Php. Zipline Once Php Wall Climbing For the whole day Php Bungee Jumping Twice Php 2 Shuttle Cock + Rocket 2 hours Php Basketball 1 hour Php NOTES: WITH THE PROVISION OF RECREATION COORDINATOR RENT ( OTHER SPECIAL SERVICES) Sauna 1 hour Php 250 Jacuzzi 30 mins Php 250 Spa 1 hour treatment body massage Php 300 Banana Boat Ride (per person) (8 pax) 30 mins Php 100 Bayside Cottages 1 day Php 600 Tent 1 day Php 350 FREE ACCESSIBILITY/ SERVICE. †¢Aerobic Dance with instructor ( every 6am til 8am in the morning) †¢Hanging bridge accessibility †¢playground, †¢ backdoor garden †¢Indoor swimming pool †¢Camouflage training site †¢Meditation Sanctuary TARGET MARKET- CONSUMERS †¢People engaged in a Christian- retreat style activities †¢Lower-to-upper income bracket †¢Recreational Enthusiasts †¢Adventurer †¢New visitors travelling to the area GAINING ACCESS TO THE TARGET MARKET †¢Accreditation to Department of Tourism †¢Distribution of flyers, brochures etc. †¢Conducting a Sales Blitz †¢Establishing a network to Tour Travel agencies †¢Organizers of cultural events †¢Organizers of religious events †¢ Mass Media exposures †¢Other prospect MARKETING STRATEGIES POSITIONING PRODUCT STRATEGY. For its guests, CCRR is positioned in beautiful virgin landscaped, nature-filled, unique atmosphere resort with a numerous choices of recreational activities, and local food beverage food stall aside the AREA, NATURAL ATTRACTION IS AVAILABLE TO THE NEEDS OF A PARTICULAR GUEST. DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Unlike products that are produced, then distributed, and sold, hotel and resort services are produced and consumed simultaneously in a real-time environment. Thus, distribution issues center on making the services available in a convenient manner to the greatest number of potential guest Crescent Cove. Recreational Resort will maintain a front office staff member throughout the night so guests are able to get answers to any question or service when they need it. This flexibility is especially attractive to the business traveler. Clients will be able to contact Crescent Cove Recreational Resort by telephone, fax, and e-mail and walk-in mode. Pricing Strategy Rooms per night fees have been developed. The fee schedule takes into account seasonal rates that are common in the area. Resort Room Classification offers Amenities available in room Number of accomodation Room Rates ( per night). CCRR †¢Economy †¢Standard †¢De Luxe †¢Single Bed, CD Player, Radio †¢Double Bed,DVD Player, TV Set †¢Queen Bed,DVD Player, Cable TV Set, †¢(Minimum of 1Maximum of 2) †¢(Minimum of 2Maximum of 3) †¢Minimum of 3 Maximum of 4 †¢I. Php 2800 II. Php 2300 †¢I. Php 3300 II. Php 2600 †¢I. Php 4000 II. Php. 3500 Kitchenette, Sofa Set Punta Azul †¢Regular †¢De Luxe Queen Bed, hot-and-cold showers, bathtub, and complimentary toiletries. Maximum of 3 guests †¢Php3,200 PHP2,500 †¢Php3,500 Php2,800 Agua Seda †¢Standard †¢De Luxe †¢Family Cable TV †¢2 MAXIMUM OF 4 PERSONS. †¢4 persons †¢8 persons †¢I. Php 2500 II. Php 1800 †¢I. Php 4500 II. Php 3500 †¢I. Php 5000 II. Php 4000 others Homestay Comparison Matrix Diagram shows the competitiveness of CCRR over their competitors, the competitors that listed above detailed all their amenities while CCRR, detailed least of theirs. Mutual Amenities: †¢Wifi-c onnection †¢Private Toilet/Bathroom †¢Airconditioned Room †¢ NOTES: Peak Season ( March- June) Off-Season ( all other months) Legends: (In Room Rates). I- PEAK SEASON II- OFF- SEASON Service and Support Philosophy By giving careful consideration to customer responsiveness, Crescent Cove Recreational Resort’s goal will be to meet and exceed every service expectation of its recreational and rersort services. Our guests can expect quality service and a total quality management (TQM) philosophy throughout all levels of the staff. Promotion Strategy Promotion strategies will vary depending on the target market segments. Given the importance of word-of-mouth referrals among all market segments when choosing a getaway resort or small business location, our efforts are designed to create awareness and build referrals. A cost-effective campaign—focused on direct marketing, publicity, our frequent guest reward program, and advertising—is being proposed. Frequent Guest Reward It is one of our marketing promotional strategy where if a prospect ( former guest, taxi driver etc) can refer potential guest, can get 10 % discount for our Economy room service. SWOT Analysis Contingency measures to overcome possible threats †¢Frequent Guest Award or looking for Mass mediator such as Blogger to write things about our resort and the rest of our ways to gain our target market. Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Miguel D. Del Rosario BSHM 3-1 Ms. Rosan Pizarro Professor-in-Charge.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Uzbekistan Business Opportunities

Uzbekistan Business Opportunities Topic: Discuss the business environment of International business opportunities in the given country and its economic indicators. Explore and elaborate if there is any bilateral trade agreement with India. INTRODUCTION Country Name : THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Republic of Uzbekistan is the largest country in the region and occupies a specific geographical and geopolitical position in Central Asia abundant with natural and human resources. Uzbekistan consists of 12 provinces and Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan. Independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan was proclaimed on August 31, 1991 in Tashkent. Geography Location: Central Asia, north of Afghanistan. Access to sea: Country is encircled by land. Note: border passes through Aral Sea (420 km. of seaside of Aral sea). Neighbours: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. Coordinates: 41 00 N, 64 00 E Area: total 447,400 sq. km.; land 425,400 sq. km.; water 22,000 sq. km. Currency Since July 1st, 1994 Soum the national currency has been introduced as a unique lawful payment mean on territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 1 Soum = 100 tiyn. Notes are in denominations of Soum 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 3 and 1. Coins are in denominations of 50, 20, 10, 5, 3 and 1 tiyn. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Basic Business Environment 1. Small and Private Business It is the most dynamically developing sector of the economy, and stimulated due to several state reforms effective from the end of 1998 with a view of supporting of small and private business. In particular: reduction of inspections by state bodies, unified tax for carrying out of small business, liberalization of a cash turnover and conditions of crediting of domestic and foreign financial institutions. In the earlier years of the independence the share of turnover of small and private businesses in the countrys GNP made approximately 1% in comparison to the year of 2002 the parameter was 35%. Small and private businesses contribute to the reduction of unemployment by job creation in the country. Foreign credits and attracted investments directed by the GOU for stimulation of small and private business are repaid in due time under the favorable tax conditions and the optimized mechanism of sales of output on export by the enterprises of small and private business. 2. Import Substitution The main purpose of import substitution, per se an instrument of currency exchange regulation, is to reduce unreasonable import of the goods similarly produced in the republic and direct the flow of released monetary resources for the development of a domestic production and an increase of the application of hi-tech. effective from 1996. The changes that were introduced in 1996 to the legislation that regulated the currency flow can be one of the examples of the simplification and flexibility of the currency exchange regulation. Besides, the currency fund derived form sales of automobiles, agricultural equipments, flour and sales of other several liquid goods on foreign markets has allowed to provide currency self-recoupment of enterprises using in manufacture of imported raw materials, materials and component. It is necessary to note that currency earnings of enterprises derived due to sales on export sufficiently directs to a profit markup and an enterprise development, workflow au tomation, labor stimulation and an improvement of a current infrastructure. 3. Economic Growth and Inflation One of the factors constraining the economic growth and the stability of any country is inflation. However, the GOU as a consequence of number economic reforms has achieved real decrease in inflation rate. According to the official statistical data, the inflation rate was more than 26.0% in 2001, but because of the favorable economic conditions, the datum has decreased by 6.8% in 2006. According to bases of economy, the growth of GDP also depends on the exchange rate used for converting national currency into a foreign currency. In this respect the GOU has created the steady mechanism of the free currency convertibility by means of several Currency funds and stock exchanges. The exchange rate is periodically fixed by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, allowing free and independent convertibility of any currency of the world. The analysis of the trend of GDP shows stable growth and significant budget surplus of Uzbekistan. At the 4.0% GDP growth the budget deficit of the country was 0.8% of GDP in 2002. The liberal approach of the GOU to the development of sectors of economy resulted in achievement of GDP growth over 7.0% with the budget surplus by 0.5 % in 2006. The major factors of the economic growth have become the increase of the volume of industrial production and the agriculture by 10.8% and 6.2% respectively. According to statistical data, by the end of 2006 the average real wages in Uzbekistan accounted for UZS 185,000 or nearly USD 150, that 5 times exceeds the datum of 2001 and 2002. 4. Balance of Payments (BOP) As a result of implementing of number significant reforms by the GOU directed to liberalization of a national economy as a whole, the volume of currency reserves by the end of 2002 was increased by 167.9% and has made about USD 4.7 bn in comparison to those of past period. Due to the implemented protection policy of interests of domestic manufacturers, the import of the goods similarly produced in Uzbekistan was reduced by 38.0%. The export of goods correspondingly increased on average by 23.0%. Moreover, the share of cotton fiber decreased by 17% in the export volume of the country, the rest of the export accounts for machines and equipments, fruit-and-vegetable manufacturing and processing, construction materials, agricultural equipment, electro-technical products and others. The control system of the external debt of the country in 1999-2006 has been stable and less moderate. Furthermore, the external debt rate has been at the rate of 20.6% of GDP in 1999 towards 22.8% in 2006. The critical ratio was marked in 2003 when the parameter made about 40.0% of GDP. Hence, investments into any sector or region of the country today can be considered guaranteed to the development and repayment in time, due to constant growth of priority macroeconomic parameters. The main investors of the country have been such companies as Gazprom, Lukoil, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Itochu, Nestle, Coca-Cola Bottles, Vimm-Bill-Dann, SIEMENS, ZEROMAX, MTS, Vimpelkom, BAT, Marubeni, Samsung, ABN Amro Bank, Kanebo Silk, KOC, IRANSADERAT and etc. 5. Currency Convertibility With a view of strengthening of currency balance of the country in Uzbekistan there were sometimes restrictions on converting of UZS into a foreign currency. Additionally, the Republic of Uzbekistan has joined to the Article VIII of the Agreement of the IMF in 2003 and these restrictions have been removed. Today, converting is regulated by specific decisions of the GOU and instructions of the CBU. The incomes of the foreign investor derived in Uzbekistan can be re-invested on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan or used by any different way at discretion of a foreign investor. Foreign investors are guaranteed for free transfer of cash resources in a foreign currency into Uzbekistan and from there without any restrictions under condition of tax payments and other mandatory payments in accordance with Uzbek legislation. 6. Priority Sectors of Economy Agriculture The main and leading sector of economy is the agriculture (about 40.0% of GDP). Basic manufacturing of the sector is cotton-fiber, wheat, and fruit-and-vegetable products. Favorable weather conditions have determined the corresponding regional distribution of the basic export-oriented products of the agricultural industry of the country. For example, vegetables, fruit, melons and gourds are raised basically in Namangan, Fargona, Andijon and Samarqand provinces, rice and other cereals in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorazm province, meet and dairy products and tanning materials mainly are produced in Bukhoro, Surkhondaryo and Qashqadaryo provinces, wine and other alcoholic products are produced in Tashkent, Andijon provinces and the Republic of Karakalpakstan, tobacco products are produced in Tashkent and Samarqand provinces.  · Light industry One of the priority directions in the development of an export policy of Uzbekistan is the development of light industry, basic exports are cotton yarn, silk and silk products, cotton severe fabrics, knitted cloth, garments, and etc. The sector is characterized not only by the opportunity of a quick return of investments, but also by cheap labor force, the availability of raw materials, and the developed infrastructure. It is also necessary to note that Uzbekistan is one of the largest manufacturer of cotton, silk, and astrakhan fur in the world. The country is on the fourth place in the world in volumes and quality of manufacture of cotton and the second place in volumes of cotton fiber export. There are more than 200 large enterprises and associations, a network of branches, the modeling centers of clothes and jersey, a design bureau, a network of firm trade, and etc in the Uzbek light industry. Due to re-equipment of manufacturing by modern equipments the Program of Quality Improvement and Increase in volumes of production, expansion of assortments, the organization engaged in processing of cotton fiber on the basis of attracting both local and foreign investments by creation of JVs is realized. The followings are the mainstreams of the development of the sector: Spinning manufacture updating of plants of not-spindle spinning on the basis of modern equipment; Weaving manufacture implementing of automatic winding machines, warp drawing-in machines, replacement of weaving looms by modern shuttleless weaving machine; Dyeing manufacture implementing of new equipments with the electronic control and regulation of processes.  · Heavy Industry Uzbekistan has rich spectrum of the natural resources, the developed mountain and oil-and-gas industries. The country is rich in inexhaustible natural resources, including oil, gas, uranium, gold, copper, aluminium, iron ores and others. Uzbekistan heavy industry is represented by the developed and complex spheres of aircraft construction, motor industry, a network of the enterprises producing agricultural machines and equipment, cable conductor products, tools and parts for a railway transportation and etc. Uzbekistan is known also for reserves and extraction of precious and rare-earth metals gold, silver, uranium, and etc. In volumes of manufacture of gold the country is on the second place in the CIS, the eighth in the world and the fifth in per capita production. Quality of the Uzbek gold meets high world standards. The significant stocks of copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten, lithium, not-metallurgical raw materials (kaolin, fluoric and feldspar, quartz sand, phosphorites, etc.) exist in the country. They serve for manufacture of mineral fertilizers, porcelain-faience products and other production, competitive in domestic and foreign markets. The country has strategic mineral resources of raw materials: oil and gas, ores of ferrous, nonferrous and precious metals. In addition, the total potential of mineral resources of the country is estimated to be USD 3.3 trln. From entrails of the country minerals for the sum of 95.5 bln are derived annually, thus, the annual growth of reserves makes about USD 6-7 bln. TRANSPORTATION NETWORK Development of transport communications between the states from ancient times was one of the basic ways for unification of nations, development of economy, mutual enrichment of cultures and, finally, made a significant impact on peaceful and harmonious development of mankind in its strides forward. The territory of present Uzbekistan lies at the heart of The Great Silk Road and precisely the shortest transport corridors from Europe to Asia passed through this route. Situated in the centre of the region, Uzbekistan is objectively said to play a vital role of geopolitical bridge in relations between the countries of the West and East. Utilization of Uzbekistans geographical location on crossroads between the West and East, and also the North and South of the Euro-Asian continent, opens an opportunity for many countries of the Euro-Asian continent to access the overland continuous and safe transport communication. Having the developed networks of railways and highways, a complex of the international airports, the airways which pass the territory of the country in latitudinal and longitudinal directions for international and, first of all, transit transportations, Uzbekistan possesses huge transport potential and is capable to utilize national transit resources for ensuring the Euro-Asian communications and meet the demands of the country in transportations of passengers and cargoes in all kinds of transport. In questions of attraction of transit cargoes, the international transport terminals and the centers of logistics should be given special emphasis. These centers should coordinate activity of various types of transports which are rather important in the conditions of the countries of the Central Asia with no access to the sea. Accordingly, the logistical centers should be established alongside the main transit corridors, and also on borders between the states of the region and, in effect, fulfill the functions of so-called dry ports. The International logistics center being projected now in Tashkent is unique in Central Asia and should serve as transshipment and transit-transfer base for all kinds of cargoes on regional transport corridors. Transport infrastructure Modernization and development of transport infrastructure, construction of new transport corridors are the important section of attraction of investments. All types of transport have been developed in the republic. Today the length of railways comprises 6,5 thousands km. Density of railway network in the republic is the highest in the Central Asia. Automobile transport plays significant role in shipment of cargoes and passengers. During years of reforms over 43,5 thd. km. of highways were constructed and put into operation, 97% of them have a hard covering. The Uzbekistan Railways existing network of railways and roads connects the most remote regions and uninhabited areas of the country to major centers, providing access to international transport systems and basic natural mineral and raw materials resources in the country. The country has prioritized its international system of transportation creating reliable short distance transport lines, providing access to the neighboring countries and the rest of the world. The railway line passing through Tedgen Serahs Meshhed, an integrated part of the Trans Asian line connecting Beijing and Istanbul is in operation. Since 2000 this line is to transport goods in both directions totaling 6-8 million tons and possibly doubling this capacity. Transportation along this corridor provides Uzbekistan with additional foreign trade relations with Eastern countries of the Asia-Pacific Ocean regions, West Turkey and some European countries. An import contribution towards the development to transportation in the country is the TRASECA Project implemented by the TACIS Program (European Community Technical Assistance for the CIS), which provides for the construction of the Trans-Caucases main line passing through the Central Asian countries of Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Black Sea ports. In addition to building a new railway, Uzbekistan takes part in the project to construct a road connecting Andijan, Osh, Irkeshtam and Kashgar. This road will provide access to China and Pakistan. The road will continue through Bukhara, Seraks, Meshhed, Teheran, Termez, Heart, Kandagar and Karachi, providing access to the Indian Ocean. This corridor makes the distance to EEC countries 3 times shorter. The establishment and strengthening of these trans-continental main-lines provide favorable conditions for foreign economic relations for Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. The expansion of transit passenger and cargo transportation connects Uzbekistan to Asian-Pasific Ocean region countries such as India and China and Near East countries such Turkey as well as Europe. These so-called â€Å"new routes† practically coincide with the routes of the Great Silk Road. These routes provide opportunities to develop regular tourist and cultural relations with numerous countries of the world as it did so long ago. At the countrys expense, 2 large strategically important main lines between Navoi, Uchkuduk, Sultanoizdag and Nukus were built totaling a length of 342 km. Another line was built connecting Guzar, Baysun, Kumkurgan with a total length of 233 km. These new projects will provide access to some of the richest natural mineral resources in the country, decrease transportation expenses inside the country and provide access to sea ports and international destinations. UZBEKISTAN AIRWAYS† NAC Uzbekistan Airways is the state airline of Uzbekistan, which provides aviation needs for the national economy. Uzbekistan Airways National Air Company (NAC) was founded on January 28, 1992 in accordance with a Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov. Today, the Uzbekistan Airways is the leading carrier in the Central Asian region. Uzbekistan Airways keeps a sound position on the international market and provides high quality competitive services. During the years of operation our company has been awarded the International fund for Aviation Safety Diploma and a Certificate from Airports International Association and Euromarket-2000. The scheduled flights fly to more than forty cities of the world including America, Europe, Middle East, Southeast, Central Asia and the CIS. Uzbekistan Airways continues to establish long-term and reliable business contacts, to increase the number of countries where its aircraft flies to and to improve its services. It makes the company one of the worlds dynamic airlines. Domestic Routes. In domestic TASHKENT is the hub of airlines. International Routes. Uzbekistan by Air. Flights to Uzbekistan. Airlines in Uzbekistan. Foreign Uzbek Airlines Uzbekiston Havo Yullary (Uzbekistan Airways) Aeroflot, Asiana Airlines, Domodedovo Airlines, Indian Airlines, Airlines of Kuban, Malaysia Airlines, Pulkovo Airlines, Samara Airlines, S7 Airlines, Transaero Airlines, Turkish Airlines LAW STATISTICS Dynamic of the main macroeconomics indicators of the Republic of Uzbekistan (in % to the previous year) 1. GDP Analysis During the years 2002-2004 the GDP has been increasing but in 2005-2006 the growth has decline. 2. INFLATION Analysis The inflation rate has been declining since 2001 to 2004 but there is a little increase in 2005, 7,8 which has not affected much the economy then in 2001. 3. STATE BUDGET (incomes, expenses, deficit, in % to GDP) Analysis Income and expense have a direct relationship. From 1998 state income and expense has been declining due to less proficiency, certain attention is required for improvement. Export structure of the Republic of Uzbekistan Analysis Cotton fibre is the main item of export as its export has been increasing over the years from 2002-2006. whereas items of foodstuff has also show an increment ,almost all the items have shown an increment which is good for the countrys economy, as it will bring more foreign exchange. Import structure of the Republic of Uzbekistan Analysis Import of machines equipments has been increased over the years whereas other items of import needs to be controlled. Trade turnover with a number of countries being the leading partners of the Republic of Uzbekistan Foreign countries Analysis Trade with Turkey, China and Iran has shown an increment from approximately 520-720 ,420-700, and 450-650 million US dollars , which is tremendous but trade with other countries such as Singapore and France needs to be improved. CIS countries Analysis Trade with Kazakhstan has shown a little improvement as compared to other countries as such Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Tajikistan. Trade with these countries needs to be improves for better flow of trade as well as maintaining good relation with neighbouring countries FOREIGN INVESTMENTS More than 20 billions US dollars of foreign investments have been attracted in the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including 5 billions during the last 3 years. Uzbekistan is one of the developing economies with so many business prospects. As due to its stable govt policies which has made it possible. The volume of direct foreign investments into the economy of Uzbekistan has increased in 24% and made up more than 1.2 billions dollars in 2006. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN UZBEKISTAN Uzbekistans independence has been recognized by 160 states. On March 2, 1992 Uzbekistan became a full-fledged member of the United Nations. Also, the Republic is a member of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and several other prestigious international organizations. The Republic of Uzbekistan was one of the first Soviet Republics to declare independence, adopt its own Constitution, and introduce a presidency and democratic parliament. Five years ago no one could have predicted that Uzbekistan would become one of the most dynamic and progressive among all the former Soviet Republics. It has the best investment opportunities today. Uzbekistan is the only state, among, the post-Soviet countries that has increased its oil and gas production in recent years (indeed it has doubled oil production) to ensure its own energy self-sufficiency. In 1995, growth in the extraction of oil and gas condensate increased to 37.5%, and natural gas production grew by 2.9%. Another impressive result is that Uzbekistan has increased its self-sufficiency in grains; its output rose to over 3 million tons, and according to some estimates in 1996, the Republic may achieve 4.5 million tons of harvested grain. Real privatization in Uzbekistan has been dramatic, but has not been accompanied by economic disorder and social discontent as elsewhere. The private sector in the economy now produces 44 % of the industrial production and 97% of agricultural production. The non-state sector consumes 44% of total capital investments and employs 64% of the labor force. More than 250 representative offices of foreign companies and banks are in Uzbekistan. The United Nations, the World Bank, IMF, and many other international organizations have opened their headquarters in Tashkent. Over 2000 joint ventures are registered in the Republic. Foreign investments of over $3 billion have been made in Uzbekistan. Moreover, the Republic fulfills all of its obligations on foreign credit repayments without default and is generally regarded as an excellent credit risk-taker. Main reasons for Uzbekistans success The central reason is that, unlike leaders of the many other Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, has shown exceptional intuition and has created an extraordinary degree of domestic and foreign confidence in Uzbekistan. Consequently the realization of his strategy for transition to a free market economy, in which he has taken into account the peculiarities of the Republic and the experiences of other countries, showed that it was the right choice. He and his advisors have found a unique middle ground between painful shock therapy and backsliding into an economic decline. The five basic principles which have minimized the pain of transition and have already initiated dynamic growth, are: supremacy of economics over politics   the state as the major reformer and guarantor of economic transformation supremacy of law in all spheres of activities for both state and society powerful social policy consistent and stage-by-stage accomplishments economic reforms Thus, Uzbekistan has transformed from a society driven by ideology to a pragmatic country aimed at attracting businesses and incurring high levels of domestic and foreign investment. During the transition, the Uzbek Government has actually accelerated infrastructure development, in contrast to many other CIS countries. A second factor is that since the first steps of independence, an array of necessary laws and regulations have been adopted. In a remarkably short period of time, standard and legal frameworks have been created. During the past five years, laws and regulations in virtually all main areas of the formation of the market economy have been passed. These include laws On Foreign Economic Activity and On Foreign Investments and Guarantees of Foreign Investors Activity. These and other laws and standard regulations provide many privileges, benefits, and guarantees for foreign investors. For example: There are particular taxation privileges for profits reinvested in the broadening and modernization of production. The enterprises with 50% participation of foreign capital, and which produce consumer goods, are free from the obligatory sale of foreign currency to the Central Bank for up to 5 years from the date of their registration. The enterprises with 30% participation of foreign capital, and which specialize in the production of various agricultural, consumer, and industrial products (except the mining industry) are granted a two year grace period for profit taxation. The given grace period can be prolonged for up to 5 years for projects, which included into investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan. For enterprises with 30% participation of foreign capital, the rate of the tax on income is reduced from 18% to 10%. A third reason for Uzbekistans achievements is the realization of an open door policy, which has been a top priority of general economic policy. Structural reorganization, overcoming the economys one-sided orientation toward raw-material production, and producing export-oriented and import-substituting products are the priorities in the external economic and investment policy. Priority areas for investment include the following: mining and metallurgical production and expansion of extraction and processing of non-ferrous and ferrous metals drilling, processing, and transportation of oil and gas advanced processing of cotton, agricultural raw materials and products, including fruit, vegetables and grain production development of transportation and telecommunications engine production, including automobile, aircraft and agricultural machinery manufacturing production of building materials development of the tourism industry environmental protection industries A fourth factor is that the priority in the economic reform has been given to the creation of the market infrastructure and the development of small businesses. In recent years, Uzbekistan has witnessed the creation of the Republican Stock-Exchange Center, regional stock market, and private stock and securities trading offer. Private business growth has also accelerated. In 1995, more than 4,000 joint stock companies were registered in Uzbekistan. Also, in 1995 and in the first quarter of 1996 more than 75,000 small enterprises were registered. BILATERAL TRADE AGRREMENT Uzbekistan has engaged in bilateral, economic cooperation and double taxation with many countries, including the United States, China, Korea, Great Britain, Russia, India and others. In order to reduce the cost of attracting foreign investments to Uzbekistan and diminish the risks of foreign investors, Uzbekistan joined the Washington Convention of 1964 and the Seoul Convention of 1964. In addition, the national insurance company, Uzbekinvest, was established to cover political and commercial risks. Uzbekinvest and the National Bank of External Economic Activity joined with the American Financial Group, AIG, Inc. to establish joint insurance companies to: * cover political risks (its headquarters is in London) and * cover commercial risks (its head office is in Tashkent). As a result, the UzDaewoo-Auto Project (with the South Korean conglomerate Daewoo), which amounts to $700 million, is one of the largest projects with direct foreign investment participation on a 50:50 basis. The assembly plant in the Andijan region came on-line in April 1996 and has a production capacity of 200,000 cars annually. Another large single investment of the CIS is the Zarafshan Newmont Gold Mining Project (over $229 million) with Denver-based Newmont Mining Corporation. Also Lonro company recently created a joint venture in Uzbekistan and has invested in a gold-mining branch worth $250 million. In addition, British American Tobacco has a tobacco joint venture with the State and plans to invest a total of $232 million. All of these companies came to Uzbekistan because they were convinced of the desirable business climate in Uzbekistan. During his recent visit to the United States and meeting in Denver with American businessmen, the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, said that Uzbekistan has an excellent system of privileges and guarantees for foreign investors. With his decree on additional measures to encourage the creation of enterprises with foreign investments and their activity from June 1, 1996, foreign investment enterprises that produce export-oriented and import-substituted products received additional benefits, such as: *  · They shall be granted the right to receive a tax credit for the development of production; that is, they shall be granted a deferment for a period of up to two years for their profit tax, value added tax and land tax payments into the budget. *  · Enterprises with a share of foreign capital in the authorized capital of not less than 500,000 US dollars, shall be exempt from the payment of property tax. As additional proof the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has eighteen projects operating in Uzbekistan with a total value of $520 million. This is the second largest amount in the investment portfolio of the CIS, after Russia. Also, the World Bank chose Uzbekistan as its first investment in an agro-industry project in the CIS. In short, Uzbekistan stands clearly, as one of the most exciting emerging markets. It enjoys a popular, stable government, a highly skilled labor force, and virtually no violent crime. President Karimovs government is efficient, pragmatic, and pro-business. Thus, the foreign investors become interested in Uzbekistan, because: (a)  · Historically its territory was a cultural and economic center of a vast empire that stretched across Central Asia into India and Iran, and had a key post in the overland trade route between China and the West. As such, Uzbeks have an historical trading culture; (b)  · Large markets such as Chi

Thursday, September 19, 2019

SOCIETYS SLAVES :: essays research papers

The books Brave New World, by Aldrous Huxley, and 1984, by George Orwell, are alike because they have comparable organizations. By using brainwashing techniques, censorship, and the obliteration of history, the leaders in Brave New World and 1984 control the thoughts and recollections of the people in their societies. Without using these techniques, the societies being controlled could not exist, because the people would not be disciplined like they needed to be. The citizens in these societies are slaves of the leaders, but cannot resist or do anything to change things for themselves. Chiefly, brainwashing was essential to accomplish while the children were young because then it would ensure that they would grow up to be model citizens in the society. Principally, love was disallowed in both societies, by the virtue that it would cause problems. Fights would begin over relationships that would cause uncertainty that was not needed in the society. When the citizens Brave New World were young, they were involved in sexual games that would introduce them to sex and portray it as something casual. "†¦.this little boy seems rather reluctant to join in the ordinary erotic play." (Brave New World, pg. 30) As they got older, they were not able to know love, or would not be able to distinguish it from sex, so it became the norm to 'have everyone'. In 1984, marriages were allowed, but on the grounds that the two people getting married were not in love. They wanted the people to feel like they were only getting married to be of service to the party (when their children were set up working with the Spies, growing up to be pawns for the Party). The one they were supposed to love was Big Brother. "You must love Big Brother. It is not enough to obey him you must love him." (1984, pg. 201) Everyone was designed so that people would feel like they were existing for the Party, and the Party is virtuous. People's reactions towards death was also deteriorated in Brave New World, so people would not show anxiety if one of their friends died. "What are these filthy brats doing here? It's disgraceful." "Disgraceful? But what do you mean? They're being death conditioned." (Brave New World, pg. 208) They would just continue on living in the society, as existing happily and productively was their purpose. In 1984, emotions about occurrences like death was frowned upon as well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The French Revolution Essay -- European History

The French Revolution The French Revolution was one of the most traumatic events in human history. Over seven million people may have died as a result. The immediate reason was the financial crisis caused by French support for the American Revolution. France invested 2 billion pieces of silver to win the war. Her tax system could only support the government during peace. A war called for extraordinary measures. This was the beginning of the first phase of the revolution, which is referred to as the Aristocratic Revolution. The aristocrats saw this crisis as an opportunity to reassert their power. The French Finance Minister, Necker (1776-1781) didn’t use new taxation to finance the war, he borrowed the money. In 1781, he published the Compte Rendu – which was the first budget the people of France had ever seen. It showed a budget surplus of ten million pieces of silver and Necker was hailed as a hero of the Enlightenment throughout Europe. His budget, however, was a fabrication. France was actually 80,000,000 pieces of silver in debt. When Calonne became finance minister in 1783, he found over half of France’s income went to pay the interest on the debt and the debt was increasing at the rate of 100,000,000 a year. Soon France would not be able to borrow any more money. She had to either repudiate the debt or find new taxes. Repudiating the debt was out of the question because governments have to be able to borrow money. They need to borrow to bridge the gap between the yearly arrival of tax revenues. The only course open was to find new taxation. The problem was who to tax? The peasants and artisans were already taxed to the limit. New taxes would have to be put on the aristocracy and the clergy. The Parlement registered new edicts and the nobility controlled it. The problem would be getting the taxes through the Parlement. Calonne called together an assembly of notables in 1787, hoping to gain momentum for reform. The notables refused to back the new taxes, because they didn’t believe there was a deficit. The notables believed Necker’s Compte Rendu. Calonne and Necker traded charges and insults and King Louis XVI fired Calonne. Louise XVI hired the head of the notables – Brienne – to be his new finance minister in 1787. Brienne reviewed the budget and realized that Calonne had been telling the truth, but when he presented his case to the notables, ... ...ear, not popular support. Executions continued to increase (258 in April of 1794, 345 in May, and 688 in June) and differences in the Committee became irreconcilable. On July 27, 1794 Robespierre was shouted down in the National Convention while giving a speech to answer attacks against his policies. Cries of "Down with the tyrant" were raised and Robespierre's arrest was decreed. Robespierre and his followers escaped, but were later captured. He and 19 of his followers were executed July 28, 1794. The frontispiece from this anti-Robespierre work, Almanach des Prisons, depicts the results of the Reign of Terror under Robespierre's leadership. The various stacks of heads are labeled as follows: "Clergy," "Parliment," "Nobles," "Constitution" (supporters of the Constitution), "Legislature," "Convention," and "People." Note that the largest stack is for the "People" or general public, rather than for the clergy or aristocracy, emphasizing one of the claims against Robespierre's regime. The figure on the scaffold is Robespierre guillotining himself! ________________________________________

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

National Constituent Assembly Essay -- essays research papers

To what extent did the reforms of the Constituent Assembly create discontent? The National Constituent Assembly solved some of Frances short term problems, but caused significant discontent due to its inability to resolve long term problems, that had been destroying France economically, politically and socially. There were some groups of society that were quite content with the reforms of the Constituent Assembly, such as a majority of the bourgeoisie, peasants who gained from the abolition of the Feudal system, and some members of the first and second Estate. However, many other people and groups, such as King Louis XVI, Nobles who had become emigres after losing their land, clergy who had refused to swear allegiance to the new state, loyal Catholics, the Sans Culottes and a rapidly growing republican movement, that were unhappy with the Constituent Assembly. It was in these later groups that the brewing discontent lay, but none shared a common discontent, and few shared a common goal. It would be the most radical of these reactionary groups, who seized leade rship of the French people, in the nation's time of need. The National Constituent Assembly originated from the National Assembly, and its purpose was to write a constitution that would create a new France, one that was based on equality, liberty and fraternity - a nation governed by the people, and for the people - where men are born and remain equal in rights. It was essentially dominated by members of the Bourgeoisie, as well as some Nobles and Clergymen, but it did not effectively represent the whole of France. The National Constituent Assembly set up a militia type force, called the National Guard, to protect themselves and their ideas, from those who were counter-revolutionary. It was led by Marquis De LaFayatte, a member of the second Estate, who was also an influential voice in the Constituent Assembly. The Assembly did not want to create a Republic, it wanted to create a Constitutional Monarchy. It still wanted the King as Head of State, but wanted the people's rights and values outlined in a constitution, rather than decided by th e King. In 1789 the Constituent Assembly began developing a Constitution, because it was what the French people wanted - but their moods quickly changed and the proposed constitution became a calamity. Some reforms made by the National Constituent Assembly we... ...ring the situation. The Assignats that the State had introduced were rapidly deflating, and some store owners would not even accept them. Despite reforms that stabilised Frances economy periodically, the Constituent Assembly had not solved the long term economic problems that still surrounded the nation. Most of these peasants were also loyal Catholics, and resented the loss of power of the Church, and were hungry for political change. By October 1791, the National Constituent Assembly believed that it had fulfilled its goal of creating a new Constitution, and dissolved itself. It set up a new Government called the Legislative Assembly, to enforce the new Constitution, which only lasted a further six months. Hence, the National Constituent Assembly had established important reforms but it had failed to solve the economic crisis that began the original revolt of the French people. The varying discontent it had created amongst different groups of society, far overshadowed those who were satisfied with the changes. Much discontent, amongst many people, is dangerous when there is no common destination. So many demands, with so few answers, meant the revolution had to continue.

Interpretation and discussion of results Essay

A. The Correlation Matrices: A. 1. The Pearson Correlation Matrix for the Combined Sample Data: Leadership, as defined and measured in the Baldrige Criteria (Peacock, 2006) is related to the other items which could be interpreted as priorities or concerns of the respondents surveyed. In other words, the sub-items defining Leadership such as Organizational Leadership and Social Responsibility were significantly correlated with the sub-categories (Peacock, 2006) under the other items including Strategic Planning (questions 11 to 16), Customer and Market Focus (questions 17 to 21), Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (questions 22 to 28), Human Resource Focus (questions 29 to 39), Process Management (questions 40 to 50), and Business Results (questions 51 to 63). Those questions are contained in Appendix A. Under the Baldrige Criteria (Peacock, 2006), there are 10 indicators defining Leadership including visible involvement in managerial activities such as goal setting, directing and performance audit; communicating values and customer focus; behavior modeling and motivating and empowering personnel; which fall under the sub-item Organizational Leadership. Governance concerns such as accountability, transparency, disclosure and stakeholders’ interests; appropriateness and effectiveness of leadership system; addressing adverse social impacts of products, services and operations; monitoring ethical behavior throughout the organization and community involvement; meanwhile fall under the sub-item social responsibility. These indicators serve as basis for measuring the leadership scores in the Baldrige Criteria (Peacock, 2006). Despite the significant correlation of Leadership with the other major items in the Baldrige Criteria (Peacock, 2006); however, the data set evaluated was combined for both the Others Group and the Leaders Group. There were thirty-seven (37) samples from the Others Group and seven (7) samples from the Leaders Group. The correlation tests conducted tended to support the hypothesis that individuals who scored high in Leadership, Item 1, also score high in the other items, from Item 2 to Item 7. The results suggested that Leadership, as defined and measured in the Baldrige Criteria (Peacock, 2006) is related to the other items which could be interpreted as priorities or concerns of the respondents surveyed as shown by Table 1. Table 1. The Pearson Correlation Matrix for the Combined Data Leader-ship Strategic Planning Customer And Market Focus Measure-ment, Analysis, and Know- ledge Manage-ment Human Resource Focus Process Manage- ment Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6. Strategic Planning, Item 2 0. 510 0. 000 Customer And Market Focus, Item 3 0. 341 0. 023 0. 237 0. 121 Measure-ment, Analysis, and Knowledge Manage-ment, Item 4 0. 656 0. 000 0. 575 0. 000 0. 291 0. 056 Human Resource Focus, Item 5 0. 718 0. 000 0. 449 0. 002 0. 259 0. 090 0. 590 0. 000 Process Manage-ment, Item 6 0. 518 0. 000 0. 730 0. 000 0. 334 0. 027 0. 738 0. 000 0. 536 0. 000 Business Results, Item 7 0. 387 0. 009 0. 409 0. 006 0. 413 0. 005 0. 196 0. 202 0. 271 0. 075 0. 353 0. 019 Cell Contents: Pearson correlation p-value Although the Pearson correlation test conducted tends to support the hypothesis of correlation of Leadership with the other items for the combined data set of the Others Group and the Leaders Group; however this does not tell us if there is any difference between the Others Group and the Leaders Group. Hence, Pearson correlation test was then conducted separately; one, for the Others Group and another, for the Leaders Group. A. 2. The Pearson Correlation Matrix for the Others Group: For the Others Group, the statistical test showed that Leadership, Item 1, had significant correlations with all the items from Strategic Planning, Item 2 to Business Results, Item 7 except for Customer and Market Focus, Item 3. Leadership, Item 1, had the highest correlations with Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management, Item 4 (r = 0. 705) and Human Resource Focus, Item 5, (r = 0. 725), Table 2. Table 2. Excerpt from the Pearson Correlation Matrix for the Others Group Leadership Item 1 Item Strategic Planning, Item 2 0. 508 0. 001 Customer And Market Focus, Item 3 0. 316 0. 057 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management, Item 4 0. 705 0. 000 Human Resource Focus, Item 5 0. 725 0. 000 Process Management, Item 6 0. 562 0. 000 Business Results, Item 7 0. 333 0. 044 Cell Contents: Pearson correlation p-Value.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Apollo Shoes Confirmation Letter

to:Darlene wardlaw FROM: SUBJECT:CONFIRMATION REQUESTS DATE:OCTOBER 30, 2012 Two Forms of Confirmations We used both positive confirmations and negative confirmations. This is a required audit procedure by audit standards. Confirmations show existence and valuation of accounts and notes receivable. The positive confirmations are used to ask the customer to respond whether the balance is correct or incorrect. The negative confirmations ask for a response only if something is wrong with the balance. If no response is received, it is considered evidence that the account is stated fairly.With the positive confirmations, we are trying to find information on account balances or specific invoices. We sent positive confirmations to Neutralizer, Mall-Wart, Run For Your Life Shoes, Paul Bunion Footwear, Sassy Shoes, and International Soccer Federation. We sent a negative confirmation to Tread. The ones that we sent a positive confirmation to, we were wondering about some discrepancies in the n umbers and needed confirmation that payments were being made. The negative confirmation was sent with confidence that there were no errors. Therefore, we did not need a response if nothing was found.We checked the numbers that we received from the confirmation and compared them to the aged trial balance for account receivable. The numbers matched up. Alternative Procedures Sometimes customers are not able to send a response. A reason for this could be that they are on a voucher system that lists payables by invoice instead of by vendor account. In a case like this, we have to perform alternative procedures. We could examine subsequent cash receipts. We could examine sales orders, invoices and shipping documents. We could also examine correspondence files for past due accounts.